Training Your Greyhound With A Martingale Collar
The Martingale collar was specially designed for Greyhounds with heads that are smaller than their necks. These style of collars softly tighten against the dog's neck if they pull, spin or try to back out of their collar. It is typically used by Whippets, Greyhounds, and energetic Sighthounds. That is why Martingales are also know as Greyhound collars in Australia.
A Martingale is generally made out of durable Nylon fabric. A Martingale form circle like regular collars but also has a small loop on the back/top of the collar. This second loop is created by a different section of the same material. The bigger loop of the Martingale collar fits around the dog's neck and the small one loop sits at the back/top of the hound's neck and has a D-ring which connects to the lead or harness. When relaxed, the Martingale fits loosely and keeps your dog comfy and relaxed. But when the dog tries to pull on the lead, the larger loop secures the collar around the dog's neck for a smooth no slip effect (without chocking). This collar for Greayhounds is recommended by RSPCA Australia.

Martingales perform much the same method as a choke chain collar but without the chocking effect. It uses a soft material or Nylon to create the pull rather than a dangerous (and illegal in some states in Australia) metallic spike chain. Dogs are less likely to suffer injuries when using a Martingale collar or Greyhound collar.
Benefits of the Greyhound / Martingale Collar
- Reduce lead pulling
- More control over your Greyhound
- Great training tool
- Approved by RSPCA Australia

Safety Tips
The Martingale or Greyhound collar is not as reliable with bigger breeds as they have less of an impact on the dog. However, unlike chain and spiked collars (some illegal in Australia), they can be used on dogs with thin necks like Greyhounds and Whippets. The Martingale should also never be left on twenty four hours a day. Only during training or walking sessions with your Greyhound.
There are considerably less doubters the no slip Martingale / Greyhound collar in contrast to other methods. The softer material and lower pressure of a Nylon Martingale collar is the main reason for such a lesser amount of critical remarks between Greyhound owners. However, there is a risk when left unsupervised while using a Martingale on small Greyhounds. The smaller loop of the collar could get stock on a branch or fence and possibly harm your pet. However, when the Martingale fits properly (you should be able to fit two fingers between the collar and your dog's neck) and is used only under supervision, it can be a very appropriate training tool. Another great option is a whippet/greyhound harness, though finding the perfect size for your hound can sometimes be a challenge. I strongly recommend Force-Free training, there are many certified pet trainers in Australia. Many groups on Facebook (Australia) are dedicated to this type of training.